Why Long-Term Carrier Agreements May Be A Bad Idea [Case Study]

Why Long-Term Carrier Agreements May Be A Bad Idea [Case Study]

Are Long Term Carrier Agreements A good Idea?

Many companies think long-term vendor contracts are the best approach for their organizations and a number of arguments exist that support this position. However, and especially as it relates to small parcel shipping, a long-term contract isn’t always the best option. This article addresses these differing positions as it relates to small parcel pricing as well as discusses getting the best rates available.

Recently, we had a company express interest in our small parcel benchmarking and rate negotiation services. They are a $40MM/year shipper and they provided all the information needed for our team to perform our free analysis. The free analysis is designed to determine if renegotiating a new carrier agreement is a worthwhile endeavor for our clients.

In reviewing their carrier agreement and their rates, it became clear that they had best-in-class rates for one of their services. And when I say best-in-class, I mean really fantastic. The problems were (among other things) that the other services had mediocre rates, their accessorial rates were sub-par and their rebate was lukewarm at best.

Our initial thought was, ‘OK, so there is great room for improvement in nearly all areas of the contract, annual savings opportunities are in the millions, and I look forward to sharing this information with the client to discuss the best road forward.’

Then we realized something and initially thought our eyes must be deceiving us: The client had just renegotiated the contract for a period of 5 years with an Early Termination Clause spanning the entire length of the contract ranging from over $2,000,000 to over $1,300,000, depending on the year in which the agreement was ended prior to the expiration of the 5 year period.  Frankly, I was shocked.  Even the sheer magnitude of the Early Termination Clause was outrageously high relative to typical penalties.

Notwithstanding the great rates on one service, the rest of the contract was merely “mmmeh” and the would-be client, by signing the this long-term agreement, did a very good job at weakening their bargaining position with the carrier in the event they would like to make the changes to the other portions of their contract.  In my opinion, the carrier won, and won big.

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On the buy side, a long-term contract may be desirable for a number of reasons including, but not limited to: forecasting, ongoing partnership with a vendor that really knows your operation, or, presumably in this case, locking in great rates on a service that is very important to an organization’s operating model.  But on the other hand, and especially as it relates to small parcel shipping, long-term contracts can quickly equate to substantially over-paying for small parcel shipping over the duration of the contract as well as being (to a degree) handcuffed in a world changing faster than burning paper.

The transportation industry is changing rapidly and the threat of an additional option as a viable small parcel carrier is becoming more of a reality – think Amazon. Other viable carrier options will likely place downward price pressures on some clients that could make exploring their services and pricing a prudent inquiry. And in the case of the above would-be client, they have added additional layers of material complexity by agreeing to a 5-year carrier agreement with an onerous Early Termination Clause. If they were to consider jumping for better rates, they would have to factor in the impact of the Early Termination Clause and even if they failed to do so, I’m certain the carrier would remind them.

Additionally, while the above prospect and many others have rate caps in place that are below the standard annual general rate increases, their protection does not extend to accessorial charges.  As we mentioned earlier, the above shipper had poor accessorial charges that made up millions of dollars in their annual small parcel spend.  I can assure you that the accessorials will continue to rise over the next 5 years.  I can also confidently say that new accessorials will be introduced and current accessorials changed. 

An example is what we saw from 2019 into 2020 with the large package fee.  This accessorial was redefined at great monetary expense to shippers and the standard language in the carrier agreements allows the carriers to do so unfettered.  In short, over a 5 year period, accessorial charges can go from bad to worse on an annual basis.  To quantify, from 2019 to 2020, the average accessorial increase for the most common accessorials for both UPS and FedEx were in excess of ~6.6% and ~14%, respectively.

In our view, there is nothing wrong with locking in a competitive carrier agreement for a reasonable time period but companies should do so with their eyes wide open.  First starters, before signing a new agreement they should do all they can to ensure that the rates which they consider accepting are in fact best-in-class rates.  The best (and perhaps only) way to do this is to get the input of a qualified and objective third party. 

Carriers keep small parcel pricing information close to the vest and is not made easily available for customers. This lack of information leads to a severe imbalance of power at the negotiation table and a third party with access to this information can help level the playing field.

The next step is to give serious consideration to going through a bid process where you can compare multiple competitive offers.  Not only does this help increase an organization’s bargaining position, it will help to ensure that either one or more carriers comes forward with a very strong offer relative to their competitors.  The strength of the offers received can (and should) also be determined by an objective third party with the expertise to quantify the financial impact of the offers.

In summary, while long-term vendor contracts are at times considered the best approach for organizations, we feel that more often than not they work against organizations when working with small parcel carriers. If you are curious about the quality of your organizations rates or are considering trying to attain better rates, we recommend getting the assistance of a qualified and objective small parcel expert . . . not the carrier presenting the pricing.